60 Google Search Tips and Tricks

These tips and tricks for Google Search will help you search smarter and find what you’re looking for easily and conveniently than ever before. These will increase your productivity at making online researches, and you will feel the web’s information on your fingertips. The tips and tricks are grouped in sections or categories to improve…

14 Legal and Free Music Download Websites

In this article, we’re going to provide you with 15 Legal and Free Music Download Websites. Keep on reading to learn more about these sites. Best Legal Sites To Download Free Music 1. SoundCloud SoundCloud is free and offers the largest collection of songs to hear online for free. It’s an online music streaming community…

Best Flash Games You Should Be Playing Right Now

Nowadays, whenever you get bored all you have to do is whip out your smartphone and play some interesting and addictive games on your device, however, if you don’t have a game installed on your smartphone or don’t have a smartphone at all then you need something else to keep you occupied. As long as…

25 Best Xbox One Games

If you just bought a shiny new Xbox One and looking for some great games to play or maybe you have had the Xbox One for quite a while now but want suggestions for your next game then you’ve come to the right place because we have the 25 best Xbox One games for you.…

How do spammers harvest email addresses ?

There are many ways in which spammers can get your email address. The ones I know of are : From posts to UseNet with your email address. Spammers regularily scan UseNet for email address, using ready made programs designed to do so. Some programs just look at articles headers which contain email address (From:, Reply-To:,…

OnePlus One Explodes While Charging : Report

OnePlus One, the previous year’s flagship killer reportedly exploded while charging and caught on fire. Reports come from a OnePlus One user who shared this news on Facebook (Ankur Dugar) last day evening. The incident happened yesterday morning (28/08/2015). As usual, he kept his phone on charging bed side while going to sleep. He kept…